Many Corporations Will Pay for Abortions, But What About Birth and Adoption Expenses?

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Posted by Debbie Ryan on July 14, 2022

On this week's episode of the CBN News Channel program "The Global Lane", the Christian Care ministry's Chief Operating Officer Brandon Horvath described the Christian corporate response as "great."

"Dobbs by far is the most exciting case, certainly of our lifetime. Of my lifetime. You know, the overturning of Roe v Wade has really been the prayer of many Christians, many Americans, for over 50 years," he said. "The bottom line is that SCOTUS, though, isn't our only option for advancing a culture of life."

Harvath explained that many of the same companies that are now offering to pay abortion travel expenses of employees have been "in bed" with commercial insurance companies, pushing their workers to accept the lowest cost health care "schemes" available. He believes what they are doing now, by flying employees around the country for abortions, is hypocrisy.

"For political points only, and what we're really dealing with is good versus evil. And at the end of the day, abortion is bad all of the time," Harvath insisted. "So what about the thousands of employees who every year seek to rescue a child from an orphanage? How about those costs? Will they get reimbursed? "

Harvath believes it is important for Christians to respond to corporate abortion funding by pushing into the issue more directly.

"We need to vote with dollars now more than ever before. And frankly, if ever there was a time to carefully think about where you buy goods, where you work, where you seek health care, now is the time."

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