All About Medi-Share

Jan 5, 2017

Reading time: 2 Minutes


Medi-Share is a Community of Believers

It’s a healthcare sharing program where a community of believers voluntarily come together to share the cost of one another’s medical bills. Medi-Share members have been faithfully sharing each other's medical bills for more than 20 years, trusting the Lord to provide in their time of need through the voluntary gifts of other believers. Since 1993, more than $1.6 billion in healthcare costs have been saved through sharing or discounting.


Medi-Share is a God-honoring Choice

Your healthcare dollars go to help other Christians rather than funding medical choices that are not God-honoring, like abortion and the morning-after pill, which many commercial insurance plans are now required to cover. And as part of a community of believers, members pray for and encourage each other!


Medi-Share is Affordable

The share amounts are based on which annual household portion (AHP) you choose. Your Annual Household Portion is the annual amount of eligible medical bills that your household must meet before any of your medical bills will be processed for sharing by your fellow members. Through a secure online portal, Christian Care Ministry publishes the bills eligible for sharing and coordinates the direct sharing of medical costs between members. Each month, your monthly share amount is matched with another member’s eligible medical bills. See how much Medi-Share would cost for your family.


Medi-Share Members Meet the Requirements of the Law

The Affordable Care Act includes a special provision for members of Healthcare Sharing Ministries, so Medi-Share members are exempt from the mandate to purchase insurance or face financial penalties. Request our free information packet.


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Medi-Share Is A Community Of Like-Minded Christians

Medi-Share is an innovative health care solution for Christians looking to save money without sacrificing on quality.